Usage Guideliines
Pets on Complete Diets: Max 75 IU Vitamin D per 10lbs (4.5kg) of body weight per day.
Pets on DIY Diets: Max 300 IU Vitamin D per 10lbs of body weight per day. For accurate dosing, consider lab testing through VDI Labs.
Humans: Suggested Vitamin D intake is 2,000-10,000 IU/day for maintenance. Consider testing through one of the labs below to customize your intake.
According to Dr. Judy Morgan
Dosages can vary depending on the weight and condition of the dog. If the owner has gotten a Vitamin D blood test on their dog and identified a deficiency, their vet should be able to provide them with a specific amount of Vitamin D (in iu’s) to give every day. You can calculate from there. If a dog has been diagnosed with Vitamin D toxicity they should not use FCLO (Fermented Cod Liver Oil).
Because FCLO is not a pharmaceutical product, it is natural, the Vitamin D levels will vary with each batch. This is why there’s no specific Vitamin D content listed on the product. However, on average it will contain 500iu per tsp (5ml). (This is equal to 12.5mcg (500 * 0.025 = 12.5)).
AAFCO recommends a minimum of 125iu per 1,000kals per day for dogs. If the dog is consuming a food that contains Vitamin D, you can assume you should provide only <10-15% of the suggested daily dose of Vitamin D for that dog. If consuming a food that does not contain Vitamin D (like those listed above), you would recommend 25iu/day per 10lbs of body weight which is equal to a minimum of 5 single drops of FCLO. The AAFCO OP shows that toxicity is not expected until you are providing 6x more than the minimum suggested daily intake. This would be equal to 150 drops (1.5tsp) of FCLO.
Certificates of Analysis
- Vit A: 1682 IU / mL or 8410 IU per teaspoon
- Vit D: 64.76 IU / mL or 324 IU per teaspoon